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Mistica 2-pack
Mã sản phẩm: SU76700
Giá: liên hệ VNĐ
Hãng sản xuất USD
Synergy’s Mistica is rich in free-radical fighting antioxidants and loaded with essential fatty acids. By neutralizing free radicals, this proprietary blend provides powerful cardiovascular support by enhancing the body’s ability to maximize the production of nitric oxide – a gas that acts as a potent vasodilator that works to expand the arteries, regulate healthy blood pressure and enhance blood flow to vital organs.

 Synergy’s Mistica is rich in free-radical fighting antioxidants and loaded with essential fatty acids. By neutralizing free radicals, this proprietary blend provides powerful cardiovascular support by enhancing the body’s ability to maximize the production of nitric oxide – a gas that acts as a potent vasodilator that works to expand the arteries, regulate healthy blood pressure and enhance blood flow to vital organs.


  • Antioxidants help counter cell inflammation and premature aging.
  • Anthocyanins support the cardiovascular system.
  • Essential fatty acids aid in digestive tract function.
  • Phytosterols help maintain normal cholesterol levels.
  • Amino acids for enhanced muscle activity.