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What kind of wood in Quang Thao company?
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wood export


Overview of Vietnam's wood processing industry Wood processing industry has become Vietnam's fifth major export item after crude oil, textiles, footwear and seafood. Vietnam has become Southeast Asia's leading furniture exporter. The quality of Vietnamese wood products is always improving and competitive with other countries in the region.



Overview of Vietnam's wood processing industry Wood processing industry has become Vietnam's fifth major export item after crude oil, textiles, footwear and seafood. Vietnam has become Southeast Asia's leading furniture exporter. The quality of Vietnamese wood products is always improving and competitive with other countries in the region.

Overview of the wood processing industry in Vietnam


The wood processing industry has become Vietnam's fifth major export item after crude oil, textiles, footwear and seafood. Vietnam has become Southeast Asia's leading furniture exporter. The quality of Vietnamese wood products is always improving and competitive with other countries in the region.


Currently, our country is estimated to have about 3,500 wood processing enterprises, 340 timber villages and a large number of households producing wood products are not yet listed. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, wood processing enterprises are mostly small scale. According to the source of capital, 5% of state-owned enterprises, the remaining 95% belong to the private sector, 16% of which are foreign-owned.





In terms of labor, the wood processing industry occupies between 250,000 and 300,000 workers. Of which, 10% have a university or higher degree; 45-50% of workers are regularly trained, 35-40% of workers are seasonal workers. Although the number of labors in the wood processing industry is very large, most of the labors have not been properly trained. In addition, the division of labor is not reasonable, close monitoring, management is still ineffective are outstanding issues today. Labor productivity in the wood processing industry in Vietnam is low: equal to 50% of the Philippines, 40% of China's labor productivity and only 20% of the labor productivity of the European Union (EU). Given the current state of labor, the issue of training and supplementing high-skilled human resources, and the ability to make good use of modern technologies in production, is of particular importance for the processing industry. Turn wood.


In terms of production technology, Vietnamese wood enterprises are currently classified into four categories: FDI enterprises and large and medium enterprises producing export products, groups of enterprises producing artificial boards, groups Wood processing enterprises. In general, wood processing enterprises have made some efforts in improving the technology used in wood processing. Many new and modern technologies such as wood processing technology and wood composite materials have also been invested in Vietnam. However, these technologies require relatively large investment, beyond the capabilities of the business.


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The wood processing industry is still struggling with raw materials


The raw materials used for the wood processing industry in Vietnam are currently very difficult, mainly from two basic sources: domestic wood raw materials (natural wood and plantation timber) and imported raw wood. In terms of domestic timber resources, since 2014, the Government has decided to close natural forests, so domestic timber resources are expected to be planted timber.


Timber material is currently about 3.2 million hectares, with a timber reserve of about 60 million cubic meters. The volume of exploited planted logs reaches over 5 million m3 per year, but the volume is mainly acacia and eucalyptus (logging species aged 6-10 years, small diameter, unqualified quality). Requested response).


Vietnamese companies are having difficulty exporting to two major markets: Europe and the United States are obliged to use 70% of FSC certified raw material, while the remaining 30% is originated wood. In addition, since March 2013, timber exporters to the EU have also had to bear the FLEGT (Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade in Forest Products) legislation, requiring furniture lots imported into the EU to be transparent. , Clear about the origin of new wood material for import. However, the domestic timber sources are not suitable for the demand of export wood furniture and also have not FSC certificate. At present, in the whole country, about 20,000 hectares of forest are certified, including 9,900 hectares of raw material area to serve the Japanese paper mill in Quy Nhon, over 10,000 hectares is the material of the paper company. Bai Bang.


Therefore, the wood material of Vietnam is significantly affected by imported wood. Imported wood accounts for 30-50%. Import value of raw material wood is 30% of export value of wood products. Regarding import markets, Vietnam is importing from over 100 countries and territories. At present, mainly wood materials are imported from Laos and Cambodia, but supplies are exhausted. Since 2005, Malaysia and Indonesia have closed their sawlogs, causing difficulties for small and medium enterprises. The price of many types of timber has increased on average from 5% - 7%, especially hardwood has increased from 30% - 40%, causing many Vietnamese enterprises to fall into difficult situation. Regarding wood, imported raw materials are mainly of high value, good quality, so mainly for processing wood products for export. The domestic raw material wood for export services is low.


In addition, non-timber forest products such as bamboo, sugarcane, rattans, resin oils, acacia ... are abundant. However, to serve the wood processing industry there is only bamboo and rattan are the two primary raw materials. Unlike imported wood material, the source of bamboo material, rattan for production is mostly from the domestic market.


Currently, Vietnam has about 1.4 million ha of bamboo, equivalent to 6.2 billion trees. Of which, about 6% of planted forest, the rest is natural forest. The country has 37 provinces with concentrated bamboo forests but only 23 provinces with a total area of ​​10,000 ha or more. Of the 40 species of bamboo, nine species of economic value are vaulets, bamboo, bamboo, bamboo, flowering, bamboo, bamboo shoots, apricot blossom and show. Bamboo species of high commercial value are bamboo, bamboo and ridge. The country has about 30,000 ha of rattan, distributed in 28 provinces across the country and most of it is natural rattan, the area planted very little.


With the current stock, wood resources are difficult. In the long run, according to the Wood and Forest Products Association, the government needs to adjust the plantation structure appropriately, stabilizing about 3.8 million hectares of production forest by 2020, improving the quality of the forest for production. Commercial timber volume is 80% of the reserve, of which 40% is large timber. Constructing concentrated woody areas in the North East, North Central Coast and South Central Coast to provide small wood material for areas near the plant and supplying large wood materials to the processing industry. Local and local wood. In addition, it is necessary to invest in technological solutions to research and select high yielding and good quality seedlings suitable for industrial production to meet the demand for domestic raw materials and export. In order to ensure the prestige of wood products, the State also needs to strictly control the source of timber transported from overseas parent companies to foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam, preventing tax evasion. And evade origin. Wood processing enterprises in Vietnam should focus on developing products with high competitive advantages such as furniture, outdoor furniture, fine art furniture and bamboo and rattan products and build distribution system products. Effective for both domestic and foreign markets.



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